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Thai Football Team Which Escaped Foul Smelling And Dangerous Hell Hole Decline Invitation To Visit Grimsby


The Thai football team recently rescued after becoming trapped in an underground cave system, have rejected an invitation to visit Grimsby. The group of boys, aged between 11 and 16, were trapped in perilous conditions for two weeks last month, and had to be rescued via a complex and expensive co-ordinated International effort.

A spokesperson for the team said “These lads have suffered enough. Having only very recently survived an ill-advised decision to lead them into a dangerous and foul smelling hell-hole, we feel it would be negligent to take up this invitation. Should the worst happen, I doubt the International community would have the stomach for a rescue mission on this scale.”

As The Bugle went to press, council officials in Grimsby were understood to have extended the invitation to a team from Scunthorpe who have jumped at the chance.

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