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Swinton Man Left Gutted By Massive Trouser Sale Disappointment

A Swinton man has made a complaint to the local trading standards department after he says he was misled by signage outside a Rotherham town centre clothing store.

Keith Belcher, 56, was on Rotherham High Street last Saturday afternoon, when he was attracted by a sign outside Coffin Dodgers Menswear advertising their ‘Massive Trouser Sale’. Keith, who recently lost 10 stones after having his jaw wired up but managed to put it back on again by reheating dripping and drinking it through a straw, takes up the story.

“I was really excited “ he told us, “but when I went in, all the trousers were normal size. They had nothing above a 52″ waist.  When I complained they said it was the sale that was massive not the trousers. It’s disgusting. They’re just luring people in under false pretences.”

For an impartial view, we contacted Dr Robert Bailey who is senior lecturer in English language and linguistics at Oxford University, who told us “While the phrase ‘Massive Trouser Sale’ is such that is has the potential to precipitate mild structural linguistic  ambiguity, this bloke must be a right knob. One can only assume that all the dripping he’s consumed has re-congealed in his brain.”

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