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National Press Get Week Off As Editorial Created Using Find And Replace

Staff at all the UK national newspapers were enjoying an unexpected week off today as it emerged that all the front pages and main editorial were created by utilising the find and replace functions in Word.

The  Coronavirus, which has so far affected about the same number of people you might get in a medium sized Chinese restaurant on a Tuesday night, has opened up an opportunity for lazy newspaper staff to let technology do the work for them.

“This virus is a big bonus for us” said  Ivor Tallstory  from the Express “It meant we could just take all the old Ebola stories and replace the word ‘Ebola’ with ‘Coronavirus’. It’s brilliant. We’ve been playing table tennis in the office all week. To be honest, I think the Ebola stories were find and replace jobies with bird flu. So what gos around comes around.”

The Rotherham Bugle isn’t averse to using the same technique. Regular readers will  have noted that a number of our most popular stories have been created by finding the word ‘shit-hole’ and replacing it with the word ‘Barnsley’.

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