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Government Make It Easier For Graduates To Find Out How Much Shit They’re In

Graduates will be able to find out exactly how much shit they’re in under an overhaul of the accounts system for student loans announced today.
A new online repayment service is due to start in 2020, which will allow former students to get up-to-date information on how close to retirement they might be before they finally pay off the loan for the degree that secured them tenure of a three foot workstation at a British Gas call centre just outside Barnsley.

Tom Tootoo, 27, from Milton Keynes echoed the sentiments of a number of graduates we spoke to this morning. “I can’t believe the government have done this for us, it’s great. Now, instead of guessing how far into old age I’ll have this debt hanging over me like the shadow of the grim reaper, I can simply log on to the website and have it confirmed in seconds. It will make my life so much simple because, rather than suspecting I’ll never be able to afford a house, now I know for sure.”

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