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Current Series Of The Appendage Reaches The Interview Stage

The latest series of The Appendage, in which candidates compete for a £180,000 salary and two free houses,  reached the much anticipated interview stage this week. For most of the candidates it’s the first time they will have  come face to face with someone who knows what they’re actually talking about, and their plans come under close scrutiny. As in past years, the participants appeared to survived up to this stage through a combination of luck, bluster and bare-faced bullshittery.

First up was Nicola, who,  somewhat confusingly,  told interviewer Andrew that she thought both going it alone and moving forward with partners was the best thing to do. Her investment plans were quickly  torn to shreds after it emerged that she didn’t actually have any money of her own and had no prospect of getting any.  She said she disagreed with Andrew but didn’t say why.

Next in the hot seat was Jeremy whose business plan appeared to rest on the premise that he had discovered a money rainforest of Amazonian proportions. Andrew told him that there was not enough money in the entire forest to make his plans a reality, and Jeremy seemed perplexed by this notion. He told Andrew he would simply make some more money in the magic money machine if he ran out. Andrew told him this was a shit idea. Jeremy appeared angry.

In next weeks episode, we get to see if the final two candidates, Jo and Boris fare any better.

The search for the country’s next Appendage…goes on.

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