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The Rotherham Bugle

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I Didn’t Sign Up For This Shit, Blasts Kate

The Duchess Of Cambridge is reported to be “f****** livid” this morning after being forced to take a scheduled £73  Flybe flight from Norwich to Aberdeen. The choice of transport follows criticism of Prince Harry and wife Meghan, who travelled to the south of France by private jet, but close friends have revealed that Kate went ape shit when husband William gave her the news

“Kate says she didn’t hang around to become a princess and pass up the chance of a bunk up with a load of fit Scottish blokes, so she could share an aircraft cabin with a bunch of hairy arsed oil rig workers. “ an insider told The Bugle. “It’s made all the worse because ‘that colonial bint’ as Kate always calls her is travelling first class on Rocket Man’s jet. She told William that if there’s any more of it, he can start Googling divorce lawyers and scouring third rate trash TV for a replacement.”

Regular readers will know that, contrary to her public image, this is not the first time Kate has flown into a rage over what she sees as sub-standard treatment. Just last year, we reported how she demanded a Royal Butler be taken out and beaten after setting her breakfast place with the wrong spoon.

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