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All-Female Emergency Cabinet Idea Falls Apart As Two Members Turn Up In Same Outfit

A proposal for a female-only emergency Brexit cabinet, fell apart at the first hurdle this afternoon when two prospective members turned up for a meeting in the same outfit.

Caroline Lucas, former leader of The Green Party had put forward the idea of a women’s cross-party emergency cabinet as a way to prevent a no-deal Brexit. Her rationale was that women are generally more collaborative and co-operative than men, and therefore more likely to reach a consensus on what effective action to take. But this afternoons meeting ended in chaos.

A member of the prospective ‘Women’s Cabinet’ told The Bugle that the first meeting descended into disarray when two of the members turned up in identical outfits from the Topshop Milf range. “It was embarrassing,” she told The Bugle. Nobody knew where to look and then one of them said something about not knowing they made it in that size, and then that’s when it all kicked off.”

The outfit incident appears to have put the final nail in the coffin of a plan that had already come under heavy criticism because invitations had only been extended to people identifying with a handful of letters in the LGBTTQQIAAP community.

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