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Williamson Finally Believed After Swearing On Index Linked Pension

Former defence secretary Gavin Williamson was dramatically reinstated last night after swearing on his index linked pension that he was not responsible for the leak over Chinese company Huawei’s proposed involvement in the development of a UK-wide 5G network .

Williamson had previously been sacked by Theresa May despite swearing on his children’s lives that he wasn’t responsible for the leak from the National Security Council. But there was a dramatic U Turn last night after Williamson put his pension on the line.

A Westminster insider told The Bugle “Swearing on your children’s life is one thing, but people started to take him seriously when he swore on his pension. It’s only right that he be reinstated after this”

The Bugle understands that Boris Johnson was invited to declare a similar oath over his role prior to the 2016 Brexit vote, but declined, offering up instead the lives of all his immediate family and the graves of all four grandparents.

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