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Germans Launch Search For Stronger Word Than Schadenfreude As Brexit Balls Up Goes On

The Germans are understood to have launched a frantic search to find a new word after polls revealed that schadenfreude doesn’t even come close to expressing the sheer joy they are experiencing over Brexit.

Our teutonic cousins have historically prided themselves on having a special word to express the pleasure to be had from observing someone else’s misfortune. Until now, schadenfreude has fitted the bill.  But such is the unadulterated joy created by Britain’s bungled attempts to leave the EU with any semblance of pride or national dignity intact, that the word doesn’t cut it any more.

“Scahenfreude works when the English blast a ball over the bar in a  penalty shoot out, or arrive at the hotel pool at 6.30am to find all the sunbeds taken, “ one ecstatic German told us “but this is on a whole new level. We have been literally orgasmic with pleasure. To use the same word just seems wrong.”

As The Bugle went to press ‘Orgexitfreude’ and ‘Brexasmfreude’ were understood to be front running suggestions.

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