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Teacher Pencils In Snow Day As It Gets A Bit Chilly

A teacher has already pencilled in at least one snow day later this week, after forecasters admitted there’s an outside chance of a light dusting. If confirmed, it will be the first snow day for teachers since last time it got a bit chilly.

“I can’t believe we’re nearly in February and we haven’t had a snow day yet,” said Julie Skive, a 40 year-old junior school teacher from Rotherham. “I’ve been in the job for nearly 20 years and I’ve never known it as late as this. If it carries on I might have to work right through from the Christmas holiday to half term.  I’ve spoken to my union rep but he says there’s nothing he can do until it actually snows. It’s a disgrace. I can remember when you could shut the school as a precaution if you thought it was going to snow. I blame Tory cuts.”

As The Bugle went to press, Julie had already firmed up her plan which includes a lay in, a late breakfast and a shopping trip to Meadowhall to browse the new spring collections.

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