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Corbyn Gets Shit Deal On New Car

Jeremy Corbyn took a break from doing sod all about Brexit this morning, when he called into his local ShitCars R Us dealership to buy a new car.

On arrival at the dealership, Mr Corbyn told the salesman that he would be buying something from him today, no matter what. An hour later he was seen driving away in a hideous nail in turd brown, having paid double the going rate.

Salesman Nathan Sawyer-Cumin told The Bugle, “I couldn’t believe it. This bloke walks in and more or less says ‘Here’s my money, what I can have for it?’ That piece of shit was off to the scrapper at the weekend. Can’t believe I’ve got rid of it. I’ve got some beauties round the back for the same money but once I knew he wasn’t going anywhere else I got someone to chuck a sheet over ‘em”

A spokesperson for Mr Corbyn said “Jeremy is very happy with the deal. He wanted a car and now he’s got one.”

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