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Bercow Puts On Deep Voice To Make Himself Sound Taller Reveals Wife

Speaker of the House Of Commons, John Bercow, puts on a deep gravely voice to make himself sound taller and more manly, his wife has revealed.

Anyone listening to daily business in the house will have been struck by the dulcet tones of the speaker, but little did they know that it’s all an act. Bercow who stands just 4’6” tall in his stocking feet has an altogether different speaking voice when at home with wife, Sally.

“Think Joe Pasquale on helium and you’ll get the idea.” said a laughing Sally. “John figured a long time ago that most people will only ever see him sitting down and so invented this voice to make people think he’s taller and more manly than he is. I think it’s hilarious whenever I hear it. The reality is that I have to give him a leg up into bed and we still get his trousers from Mothercare.”

Bercow was reluctant to discuss the claims when we caught up with him near to the Brian Blessed School of Performing Arts in west London, “My wife has her own ideas,” he said in the voice we all know and love “I am not her keeper.”

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