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Whale Lost In Thames Estuary Definitely Female, Say Experts

Scientists have confirmed what has been quietly suspected for several days – that the Beluga Whale, hopelessly lost in the Thames Estuary is female.

The whale’s normal habitat is the Arctic Circle, but scientists now believe the animal became completely disorientated after missing a sign while freshening up its blubber, somewhere west of  Greenland.

“We see a lot of this”, said marine biologist Sam Squid-Stalker  “Unfortunately the females have no natural sense of direction and can become easily  distracted by their own reflection and end up  disorientated, and ultimately,  lost.”

As The Bugle went to press, the unfortunate animal was thought to be going round in endless circles trying to find something it recognised, while mentally concocting a story which makes a male whale responsible for the whole thing.

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