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An Italian Pensioner Falls Off A Vespa Every Time Someone Says ‘Expresso’ New Study Reveals


The dangers of mispronunciation were brought into sharp focus this week with the release of a new report revealing that an Italian pensioner falls off a motor scooter every time someone says ‘Expresso’.

The increase in motor scooter related injuries in Italy involving the over 65’s had been something of a mystery until the report authors noticed a correlation with the growth in the number of English coffee shops.

“It’s a curious anomaly relating to the working of the universe,” said Mario Luigi from the University Of North Barnsley who headed up the study, “an ignorant Brit orders an Expresso in Leeds and a 75 year old retired spaghetti farmer in Bologna loses control of his Vespa.”

The Bugle understands that in the wake of the report the government are set to launch a hard hitting education campaign with the strapline ‘Where the xxxx is the x in Espresso you xxxxing moron?’ to try to cut the number of casualties.

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