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Trump Camp Rattled As It Emerges His Penis Is Shaped Like A Fun-Sized Picnic Bar


As the controversy over whether President Donald Trump had a relationship with adult film actress Stormy Daniels raged on, there was panic in the Trump camp last night as Daniels came out fighting.

Trump has always denied that he had a sexual relationship with Ms Daniels who in turn claims that the President paid her hush money to keep the affair secret.  In an interview yesterday, Daniels reaffirmed her position that the liaison did take place, and to back up her claim, she threatened to reveal intimate details about Mr Trump’s genitalia.

A White House insider told The Bugle, “Normally that wouldn’t be something you’d be concerned about. They all tend to look pretty similar. But a few of us have caught sight of the President in the showers and it’s like a twatting Picnic bar, and a fun-sized one at that.  Not the same colour obviously, but knobbly as an extremely knobbly thing.  If there’s another one like that, I don’t want to see it.  And let’s be honest, for a woman like that to remember it, it must be pretty special.”

The Bugle understands that White House officials are meticulously going through Ms Daniels back catalogue of films, looking for something which may have created confusion in her mind, but have yet to find anything that appears to have come from the same species.

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