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Whiston Girls iPhone Hell

A Whiston teenager was rushed to hospital on Tuesday evening after inadvertently leaving home without her phone. The 17 year old, who has asked not to be named,  had walked just half a mile from her home on West Bawtry Road when she reached into her bag and realised the £600 iPhone was still charging in her bedroom..

“I’d have noticed much earlier”, she told The Bugle “But I was eating a pie. It was like I’d walked into a nightmare.”

Local man, Martin Makepiece spotted the girl squatting by the roadside, shaking uncontrollably and sobbing into an empty Ginsters bag. He immediately called 999, and paramedics sedated the girl at the scene before transferring her to Rotherham District Hospital where she was treated by specialist staff.  On arrival at hospital, she was met by worried friends who were already there, having  become gravely concerned when the teenager dropped off social media for almost 20 minutes.

The girls mother was quickly alerted and dashed to the hospital to reunite her daughter with the missing phone, which she grabbed hold of like “a tramp on chips” according to senior medical staff. After catching up with two hours worth of Facebook, Instagram and twitter posts, and a  recording of Ex On The Beach, she was allowed home and is expected to make a full recovery.

“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me,” she told The Bugle between answering emoji-laden texts “I just want to send a warning out there to everyone. If this can happen to me, it could happen to anyone. People just aren’t aware of the dangers.”

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