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Barnsley woman stuns family and neighbours by revealing plans to emigrate to next village.

A woman from Barnsley has stunned her neighbourhood by revealing audacious plans to emigrate to the next village. June Dingle, who lives in Wombwell , plans to relocate two miles up the road to  Darfield. Locals say it will be the first time anyone has moved away from the area in living memory, apart from practicing homosexuals who are traditionally driven out to Leeds or London.

“I want to give it a go before I’m too old” said June, (27) “I know it’s going to be a big change and I’m going to miss everyone but it’s not like the old days. We’ve got social media and Facetime now so I’ll be able to stay in touch. The family are still trying to come to terms with my decision, but it’s my life. We’ll still be able to meet up every few years.”

June’s mum April looked a broken woman when we spoke to her “I don’t know what she’s thinking.” she said  ”My other five kids still live in the same street. In fact three of them and their families are living in the spare room. It’s how it should be. If June gets married, the grandkids could come from a completely different part of the gene pool and will grow up speaking a different version of Dingle. It’s not natural.”

As the Bugle went to press, June was thought to be reassessing her decision after it emerged that Balti Palace don’t deliver to Darfield.

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