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Furloughed replaces footballer as number one career choice for Barnsley teenagers

Time was that kids wanted to be a train driver, a fireman or a footballer, but a survey by Barnsley careers service has revealed that things have changed. When local 12-16 year olds were asked what they wanted to be when they grow up, the most popular reply was furloughed.

“I think they were attracted by the prospect of sitting on your arse doing **** all while getting paid for it” said Ivor Ceevee who headed up the survey team. “They’ve seen their dads doing it and it’s fired the same ambition in them. Everyone needs a role model.”

Sadly it seems many will be disappointed. A call to Barnsley job centre revealed that there are currently no vacancies for furloughed workers “We’ve got more than enough already.” a spokesperson told The Bugle “There’s a proud tradition of sitting on your arse doing **** all in Barnsley and getting paid for it. We like to think we were ahead of the curve.”

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