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Boris calls ‘April Fool!’ as he reveals he’s been in Barbados for the past week

A nation laughed and released a collective sigh of relief this morning, when a tanned Boris Johnson emerged out of the front door of Number Ten and announced that he’d spent the past week at a luxury villa in Barbados, having travelled by private jet.

Mr Johnson had been thought to be suffering from Coronavirus, having Posted a video on line, looking a bit peeky and speaking in that voice people use when they ring in sick. But now it thankfully emerges it was all a hoax, and the prime minister was sunning himself in luxury all along.

“April Fool! yelled Mr Johnson as he bounced out of the front door of 10 Downing Street. We thought it would cheer everyone up. It was Dominic’s idea, he even put some flour on my face to make me look ill. We had such a laugh laying on our sun loungers reading the comments on Twitter when the video went out.

But now I’m back and more determined than ever to get Coronovirus done. Back to it everyone. Chins up.”

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