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Women’s march for equality goes ahead despite ironing stacking up

A women’s march for equality controversially went ahead in London today despite a lot of ironing stacking up and dinner pots not dried and put away. It led to claims in some quarters that things have now gone too far.

“I’m all in favour of women’s equality just so long as it doesn’t impact on what I’m doing and there’s food on the table and a freshly ironed shirt for Monday morning.” one man, who asked not to be named told The Bugle. “As far as I can see, all this march is going to do is put these poor women behind schedule, and that’s not doing anyone any good. How can you be equal when you’re not doing your job properly?”

Meanwhile a delegation from Barnsley cancelled their attendance at the event at the last minute when one of their members discovered that London isn’t in Barnsley.

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