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Man with six young children decides to self-isolate

A man with six children, all under the age of eight, has decided to self-isolate, it has emerged. Colin Furtile, 42, has taken the difficult decision in the wake of the number of cases of Coronavirus in the UK skyrocketing into double figures, and an Italian fella in Tenerife getting it.

“You can’t be too careful” said Colin as he settled into a Lazyboy chair to watch the Liverpool game in his ‘man cave’. “I know there have been virtually no cases in the UK and I live out in the sticks, but I’ve got my family to think of.  I’m missing the kids obviously, but the missus is pushing my food under the door and I’ve got a fridge full of beer, so I’m coping.”

Colin says he intends to stay in isolation for two weeks, or at least until his Stella runs out.

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