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Trump furious as film “not even in Englandish” wins Oscars

American President Donald Trump last night  launched a scathing attack on the film Parasite , which swept the board at this months Oscars. The south Korean black comedy is being shown with subtitles throughout the United States.

“It’s not even in Englandish,” complained Mr Trump. “and there is American films which deserve this far more bigly. If I wanted to read a film I’d buy a book.” Mr Trump was also critical of the film’s main theme which centres around the unfair disparity between rich and poor.

“Who wants to watch that?” said an incredulous Trump “Bring back Gone With The Wind. That’s what this country wants – a bit of slavery nostalgia from the golden age of racist film making.”

As The Bugle went to press, Trump’s aides were attempting to explain that a black comedy does not necessarily feature Will Smith or Eddie Murphy.

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