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The Rotherham Bugle

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Relief turns To Despair As Stranded Brits Told They’re Being Airlifted To Liverpool

There was relief followed by despair today for Brits stranded in China following the Coronavirus outbreak, after it emerged that they are to be airlifted to Merseyside. Many of those due on the flight were said to be refusing to board, preferring to take their chances where they are instead.

“I thought we were finally safe” said Fred Hardcastle from Barnsley who was visiting China to attend a pork pie convention “but it now appears the bastards are putting us on a plane to Merseyside and if we show any symptoms at all they’re threatening us with Liverpool. Liverpool for Christ’s sake! The way them buggers talk it’s going to spread like wildfire if anyone gets it in Liverpool.”

The Bugle understands that the quarantine location has been chosen specifically to ensure that nobody even thinks about visiting those affected.

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