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BMW Driver Wants Medal After Letting Car Out At Junction

A BMW driver wants a sodding medal or something after letting another car out at a junction, it has emerged.

Andy Pratt, 42, from Rotherham was in a line of traffic when he spotted another BMW waiting to enter the stream from the left “Normally I’d have welded myself to the bumper of the car in front.” Andy told The Bugle “But I noticed it was the base model with 20 bhp less than mine, no bodykit and the shit alloys, so he was no threat” Andy backed off to allow the car in and it was what happened next that left him reeling “Bastard never flashed his hazards, kiss my arse or nothing.” He said. “There was a bit of a half-arsed wave I think but nothing that paid full homage to my sacrifice. Last time I let anyone in.”

The Bugle understands that as a result of his experience, Andy has abandoned tentative plans to have a go at indicating on a roundabout.

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