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Ian Holloway Blames Hat On EU

Unemployed football manager and professional yokel Ian Holloway, has sensationally waded into the Brexit debate by blaming his ridiculous choice of headwear on the EU.

Former QPR, Blackpool and Millwall manager Holloway is regularly seen sporting a trendy flat cap and maintains that there is no way he would make such a twat of himself, were it not for our continued membership of the European Union. “There’s no way I’d make such a twat of myself were it not for our continued membership of the European Union, he told our reporter. “We need to get out now so that I can return to wearing something more befitting of an Englishman of my years – like a knotted handkerchief, or even some hair.”

An insider, close to the folicley challenged Bristolian, cast doubt on Holloway’s claims though.  “He’s talking bollocks,” he told the Bugle. “It’s got nothing to do with the EU. He’s just watched too many episodes of Peaky Blinders. Now his beard – that’s a different matter. I don’t know who the **** is responsible for that, but if it’s the EU, we need to get out now!”

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