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The Rotherham Bugle

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Barnsley Council To Mark Pride Week By Decriminalising Cravats

There was a major shift in policy this week as Barnsley council announced plans to mark Pride week by decriminalising the wearing of cravats. The local by-law, which dates back to the 1960’s, is punishable with a sentence of up to 500 hours community service, 6 months in jail, or 7 consecutive nights in a working men’s club drinking warm bitter and listening to shit local comedians.

The move is seen as a further softening of attitudes in the borough where earlier this year, the long-standing ban on young men exiled in Leeds and ‘that London’ re-entering the town, was temporarily lifted during Eurovision weekend.

A spokesman for the council told The Bugle “I think this proves that we are becoming a progressive and inclusive 21st century town.” He was quick to point out that there are no immediate plans to repeal the more wide ranging law banning ‘general mincing about’, however

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