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Plane Full Of Idiots Acting Surprised It’s Colder At Home Than Where They’ve Been

A plane full of idiots returning from holiday, are acting all surprised that it’s colder at home than where they’ve just  been, it has emerged.

The plane load of idiots, many still wearing flip flops and shorts, were ten minutes out of Manchester on a return trip from Tenerife last night when the pilot announced that the local temperature was five degrees centigrade, with a stiff breeze and rain. There was an audible gasp and cries of dismay as the idiots suddenly realised that it was about twenty degrees colder than where they’d come from.

“I wasn’t expecting that” said one nob head who asked not to be named for fear of being labelled a nob head. “I know we went for a bit of winter sun but I wasn’t expecting it to be still cold when we got back. I suppose I thought it was warm everywhere now.  I wish I’d packed a jacket.”

A meteorologist explained the phenomenon. “The further south you go in winter, the warmer it tends to get. He told The Bugle. “That’s why the daft bastards went to the God-forsaken dump in the first place. They’ve got shit for brains, the lot of them.”

As The Bugle went to press, several passengers were still said to be thawing out.

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