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John Wayne Responds To ‘Leftie Snowflake’ Criticism

Golden era film star John Wayne has responded to criticism this evening, following the rediscovery of a 1971 interview from Playboy magazine in which he is said to have expressed racist and homophobic views. Speaking from his grave, where he’s been holed-up for the past 39 years after dying, the star was at pains to point out that some context might be a good thing.

“I was born in 1907,” he told the Bugle. “Every ****** was either racist, sexist, homophobic or all three. It was a different world you ******* morons. First it was Churchill and now you’re having a pop at me. How about you try to apply some historical context before trying to attach your modern values to a world and circumstances you don’t understand? Four decades I’ve been dead and some snivelling twat drags this shit out of a wank mag. What was he doing reading it anyway? Probably a faggot.”

As The Bugle went to press, John Wayne’s coffin was been screwed down again – hopefully for good this time.

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