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Barnier Negotiating Prowess Called Into Question As He Pays Full Price For DFS Sofa

Michele Barnier, the EU chief negotiator for the UK leaving the European Union, is widely thought to be a shrewd operator because of the way he appears to have tied Theresa May into a thousand knots over Brexit. But revelations over the weekend cast a different light on his negotiating prowess, after it emerged that  he’s somehow agreed to pay full price for a DFS sofa. Extensive research by The Bugle has failed to find anyone else who has ever paid full price on anything from the furniture retailer.

An EU insider told The Bugle. “I think Michele got a bit over-confident after dealing with Mrs May for the past two years. Nathan, the 19 year old trainee salesman at DFS was an altogether different proposition though. He even ended up selling him gap insurance. Michele is a bit stunned to be honest. He thought he was it.”

As The Bugle went to press, Barnier was understood to be having a crisis of confidence and was attempting to rebuild his self esteem by getting a good price on some left over Christmas cakes.

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