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Accept My Deal Or Burn In Hell, Says May

Prime Minister Theresa May upped the ante further this morning by insisting that rejection of her Brexit deal would prompt the appearance of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. A plague of locusts and frogs will then quickly descend, said Mrs May, before the UK sinks into the firey bowels of hell for eternity.

In the latest dire warning of what will happen in the event of the deal not being passed by the House Of Commons, Mrs May used her most emotive language yet in this long and bitter battle. “The sky’s will darken and 11 plagues will descend.” she said “That’s one more than in the Bible. But that will seem a joy once the descent into the pit of hell begins and the wretched screams of the doomed millions ring out in a horrific and chilling chorus.”

A Downing Street Spokesman said “We need to impress on people how serious this is. When you look at the alternative, the Irish backstop doesn’t look half bad.”

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