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Dick-Pics Must Now Come With Point Of Reference, Say Women

The now-traditional online courting ritual of sending a photograph of ones erect penis to a potential partner received a massive shake-up this week with the news that recipients now expect a point of reference. Gentleman can no longer to get away with sending an image of their member in splendid isolation, and are now expected to include an everyday item in the photograph to provide a sense of proportion and scale.  Tanya Balls from Barnsley is typical of young ladies adopting the new approach.

“One needs a point of comparison to determine scale. “ she told The Bugle “Scale and proportion are important considerations in the selection process, and this is often lost in a photograph taken in isolation whilst watching Pornhub. I usually ask for a packet of Polo’s and a can of Glade. You’re covering most bases there.”

Tanya says the new approach isn’t without it’s pitfalls “One lad got the wrong idea about the Polo’s” she said. “Needless to say I didn’t bother replying.”

It’s proof that the age of romance is alive and well and a development we’ll be watching with interest. As The Bugle went to press, our chief reporter was on his way to visit a new specialist photographic studio which, amongst other things,  promises to mask residual signs of STD’s and find your best side.

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