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Box Of Celebrations At Rotherham Office Now 97% Bounty

In a scenario being played out in offices Nationwide, a box of Celebrations left over from Christmas at an Estate Agency in Rotherham is now 97% Bounty.

As is the case with all boxes of the popular confectionery, the Maltesers Teasers went on the first day and then the Galaxy and mini Mars Bars were next in the line of attack. By Christmas Eve there were a handful of Twix and Snickers left and the bulk of the Bounty remained untouched and unloved.

“Let’s face it, they’re shit,” said office manage Haley Bailey as we caught up with her digging to the bottom of the box in the vain hope that someone might have overlooked a Milky Way “Nobody wants ’em. In fact I’m sure some bastard has been bringing ’em in from home because we’ve got about twice as many now as when we started. If I find out who it is I’m going to force feed them some Eclairs I’ve got left over from a tub of Cadbury’s Roses.”

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