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Bloke Left Manning Office On Christmas Eve Spends Morning Working On His CV

A Rotherham man who has been left manning the office while everyone else finished work last week, is updating his CV this morning.

Tim Dim, 37, has been at his desk at a stationery suppliers in Parkgate since 8.30 and the phone hasn’t rung once. He desperately wanted the day off, but boss Nigel said they ‘needed cover.’

“Who’s going to buy office supplies on Christmas Eve” said a clearly disgruntled Tim. “No bugger, that’s who. Nigel’s pissed off to a country house hotel in the Cotswolds, and I’ll be getting a Ginsters from Greggs at lunch time. The jobs shit at the best of times but this is the last straw”

While things are quiet Tim has been inflating each of his GCSE’s by a couple of grades, making up some impressive sounding hobbies, and doing a cut and shut to disguise the 6 months he was out of work after an unfortunate misunderstanding over inappropriate Internet usage at a vegetable packing plant in Mexborough.

There’s got to be something better than this” he told our reporter “but even if there isn’t, I just want to see the look on Nigel’s face when I tell him I’m leaving. He’s a twat. I hate him”

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