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Barnier Offers Brexit Concessions In Return For May ‘Doing That Little Dance Again’

 There were suggestions that Brexit negotiating had descended into bullying this afternoon when EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier suggested that there may be something else on the table if Prime Minister May was prepared to “do her little dance again”.

With the Brexit process stalled over the Irish backstop arrangement, Barnier at first appeared to sympathise with Mrs May’s predicament before offering an apparent way out “Well let us see,” he said “there may be something we can do , but we will need something from you first. Can you just do your little dance for me again – the Maybot.”

Onlookers said that Jean Claude Junker and Donald Tusk could clearly be seen peaking through a gap in the door from the next room,  doubled up with laughter, and  Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron were understood to have asked to watch events via live video link to their respective offices.

 A top level insider in  the negotiations told The Bugle, “They’re just seeing how far they can push her now. I’m going to go in and put a stop to it if she comes out with her pants on her head.”

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