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Gullible Rotherham Man Still Thinks His Wife Doesn’t Expect A Christmas Present

A Rotherham man still believes he doesn’t have to buy his wife anything for Christmas, after they both agreed not to bother this year.

Keith Richards, 41, clearly remembers the conversation he had with his wife, Wendy, in October in which they both agreed that they had pretty much everything they needed and it would be foolish and wasteful to go out and buy something ‘just for the sake of it’. “I’m glad I don’t have to make the effort this year,” he told The Bugle “It’s a complete pain in the arse to be honest, and we both feel the same.”

But relationship expert Tina Karotz  says Keith may be misinterpreting the situation “What a tool.” she said “Just because Wendy said she didn’t want a Christmas gift this year, Keith seems to have taken that to mean she doesn’t want a Christmas gift this year. How naïve can you get?  As I said, what a tool! My advice to him would be to get himself down to the shops sharpish.”

As The Bugle went to press, Keith was starting to lose confidence in his position, and was already furtively browsing the special offer gift section in TK Maxx.

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