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Police Chief Tackles Terrorist By Cowering In Locked Car

The Metropolitan police’s acting chief attempted to prevent the terrorist murder of PC Keith Palmer in Westminster last March,  by locking himself in his car it has emerged. Sir Craig Mackey, said it was his instinct to get out of the car when he saw Khalid Masood launch his attack, but successfully fought the instinct and locked himself in his car instead.

Our reporter had difficulty hearing Sir Craig’s exact words, but has paraphrased them here. “I was all for getting stuck in…really I was” he told an inquest at The Old Bailey today,  “but there were two other officers in the car who were shitting themselves big time, so I took the decision to sit tight until some other bugger had dealt with it and the danger had passed. Thank God for central locking is all I can say.”

Sir Craig didn’t comment on why, as a trained police officer, he didn’t attempt to  do something to distract, disuade or disarm the attacker, given that he was right on the spot inside a two ton suit of armour – mainly because nobody had the balls to ask him to do so..

The inquest continues.

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