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Head Teachers Protest Rally Cancelled As It Clashes With Inset Day


A mass rally of head teachers due to take place in London today, was cancelled at the last minute because it clashed with an inset day. The rally, organised to protest against government education cuts, was dramatically called off after someone noticed that it coincided with a cushy day off with pay.

“It was a close call” said one Head Teacher who asked not to be named, “We only get about 166 days off every year so giving one up to go on a protest rally would be a right shitter.”

This isn’t the first time that teachers have called off an event at the last minute. Two years ago, another protest was called off after someone misread the calendar and organised it for half term, and there was another close shave late last year when an  eagle-eyed teacher noticed that a proposed rally would leave some long-travelling attendees not getting home until half past four.

The Bugle understands that the current event  has now been rearranged to take place between 10.30 and 1.00pm with an hour for lunch, on a day that  coincides with the lead up to SAT’s.

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