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Evans Attempts to Avoid Kids Turning Out Ginger By Dying Hair Blonde


Radio and TV personality Chris Evans, has dyed his hair blonde in a desperate attempt to avoid having ginger kids, an insider has revealed. The carrot-topped presenter, who recently announced he was leaving Radio Two, became a father of twins this week, but  has been frantic with worry that they would come out ginger for some time.

“Chris has been stressing about it for months, “the insider revealed “He got the idea for dying his hair after a mate of his who is bald, fathered a baby with no hair. Chris isn’t the sharpest tool in the box and he added two and two together and made five. It’s a shame really”

As The Bugle went to press it wasn’t clear whether the ploy has worked but it’s understood that adoption services have already been put on standby as a precautionary measure.

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