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Ed Sheeran To Sue Himself For Copyright Infringement After It Emerges All His Songs Are The Same

It’s been a difficult couple of years  for ginger crooner Ed Sheeran. First he was sued for copyright infringement by the writers of a song called Amazing, and now the owners of copyright to Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On  say they intend to sue for $100 million because they claim the star has also stolen significant parts of that song.

Well now in a move that many will see as a case of  ‘if you can’t bear em join em’, Sheehan looks set to sue himself for copyright infringement after it emerged that all his songs are the bastard same.

The Bugle understands that Ed was approached by specialist media lawyers Crook Shyster Leach after thousands of members of the public noticed a similarity between one of his songs and all the other buggers. “It was if he’d written just one song and then recorded it over and over again with a different title.” said lawyer Robin Leach from the firm.

“They’ve told him he can’t lose no matter which way the case goes “ an insider told the Bugle “and he’s fallen for it. Ed’s not the sharpest tool in the drawer.”

As the Bugle went to press, there were unconfirmed rumours that Sheeran is working on a new song to pay for the court action. It’s called Yes today, and will be promoted via a video in which he performs solo at the piano.

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