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Corbyn Warns Against Making Hasty Judgements Over Jamie Carragher


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned against jumping to any conclusions in the case of Jamie Carragher who was  videoed, appearing to  spit at a 14 year old girl and her father travelling in an adjacent car. The former Liverpool player has subsequently been the subject of disciplinary action by his employers at Sky TV.

“It’s important we don’t make any hasty judgements,”  he told the Bugle. “Although it does look like Carragher on the video, it may be his long-lost  twin brother, somebody that looks like him,  or maybe even someone wearing a Jamie Carragher mask and driving an identical car in an attempt to discredit him. I’ve always like Jamie. He’s my idol, and I don’t want to think he’s capable of something like this.”

The Bugle understands that Mr Corbyn owns several Liverpool FC  shirts and was a frequent visitor to their Anfield stadium in his younger days. Eagle-eyed viewers even spotted one of their programmes in the background when Mr Corbyn got up to speak at question time in the commons earlier this week.

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