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Archives for December 2016

Millers Fans To Step Back In Time

Rotherham United fans get another opportunity to step back in time this weekend when the team visit Hillsborough for the championship clash with Sheffield Wednesday. Football fans in the middle of the last century were expected to endure appalling conditions and facilities in support of their team and the Hillsborough stadium has been left virtually

Swinton Man Left Gutted By Massive Trouser Sale Disappointment

A Swinton man has made a complaint to the local trading standards department after he says he was misled by signage outside a Rotherham town centre clothing store. Keith Belcher, 56, was on Rotherham High Street last Saturday afternoon, when he was attracted by a sign outside Coffin Dodgers Menswear advertising their ‘Massive Trouser Sale’.

Political Correctness Puts Rotherham Man In Hospital

A Rotherham council employee was recovering in hospital this week after an attempt to put a recent gender awareness course into practice, went horribly wrong. Nick Turner 34, was enjoying a lunch time drink in The New County on Bridgegate  last Wednesday, where there was just one other drinker at the bar, described by landlord

Rotherham Council To Tackle Celebrity Shortage

An appeal has gone out to find celebrities in the Rotherham area after it emerged that the only famous people from the town are either The Chuckle Brothers or dead. Karen Young from Rotherham Borough  Council  Cultural Affairs Department says she’s done some research and drawn a blank. “There’s that bloke out of Life On

Early Christmas Decorators Need A Good Kicking Says Top Academic

People who put up their Christmas decorations early need a good kicking it has emerged. Scientists from the University of West Mexborough have identified a direct correlation between people who put their Christmas decorations up before the beginning of December and complete and utter bell-ends. “We fully expected to find some kind of correlation with

New Research Reveals Surprising Secret Of Sexual Attraction

Researchers  at the University Of East Mexborough have made a major breakthrough in identifying a previously undiscovered x-factor in the science of physical attraction. And it’s all to do with the  humble internal combustion engine. Professor Hans Alova  who headed up the year long study in Rotherham town centre concluded that young women are attracted

Rotherham Speed Reduction Scheme Hailed Major Success As Drivers Face Choice Between Speeding And Keeping Vital Internal Organs

  A traffic calming scheme trialed in Rotherham looks set to be rolled out across the country after significantly reducing the average driving speed in the town. The scheme was the brainchild of Tony Todger from Rotherham Borough Council, who perhaps surprisingly, has no official role in the road safety department. “I like to think

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