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Raheem Sterling To Have Tattoo Of Tom Daley On Chest


Raheem Sterling is courting further controversy this morning after announcing on Twitter that he intends to have a tattoo of Tom Daley on his chest. The Manchester City and England winger came in for heavy criticism last week after it emerged that he has a tattoo of an AK47 assault rifle on his right calf. The player was quick to defend himself, saying that he was anti-gun, and the tattoo had ‘deeper meaning’ as a reference to his right side being his favoured shooting foot.

An  insider told The Bugle, “Raheem is keen to cover himself in tattoos which have a deeper meaning to him, and his key strengths as  a footballer. He feels that the Tom Daley tattoo is another step in that direction.”

A spokeperson for the British Referees Association declined to comment.


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