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The Rotherham Bugle

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Rotherham Leg Of Tour De Yorkshire Gets Under Way

Excitement was mounting in the south Yorkshire town of Rotherham this morning, as the Tour De Yorkshire  was set to pass through the town. Locals, many of whom have never seen a man wearing sporting clothing for its intended purpose before, were expected to line the route in their mobility scooters.

It’s the first time the race has passed through the town, with organisers expressing safety fears following an expert assesment of the condition of roads which put them in the ‘F*****g lethal’ category. However, an insider revealed to the Bugle that they feel that a Rotherham stage will add a new exciting element to the race. “Most of the time it’s about speed and fitness,” he said “but this is going to be more about survival. This stage is really going to sort the men from the boys, and a number of teams have already announced plans to either switch to mountain bikes or walk.”

As the Bugle went to press, Rotherham District General Hospital was said to be preparing for an influx of casulaties and a team of bollock recovery specialists was on standby.


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