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The Rotherham Bugle

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About Us

indexWe decided to launch The Rotherham Bugle after identifying a fundamental problem with other news based media covering  the South Yorkshire area – they are restricted by a requirement that they stick to reporting on things that actually happened. And here’s the problem with that –  what actually happened tends to be boring.

And so from the very start, we made an editorial decision to give facts a back seat. Yes, you may find a grain of truth hidden away somewhere, but it’s more by accident than design. If you do find something that’s true, don’t judge us too harshly. Anyone can make mistakes.

Our primary focus is on stuff that  we’d have liked to happen, had a story taken a more interesting turn. They’re the sort of things that might occur to you in the bath, on the bog or while sitting in your car waiting for the sodding lights to change at Whiston Crossroads.  Any similarity between the style and content of our stories and those featured in mainstream media, is purely intentional.

We hope you enjoy our alternative take on the news affecting people in Rotherham, and if there are any stories you feel we should be covering, we’d be delighted to hear from you.


Publishers Notice – Book Now Published!

The Rotherham Bugle has been turned into a book featuring our most popular stories, which you can order today and help charities at the same time.

You can get full details here.

ALL proceeds from the book will go to three very worthy charities –  full details of those when you click through, so you will get the warm glow of  doing something nice, even if the book turns out to be a huge disappointment. And in any event, if you don’t like the book, I’ll give you your money back, and make up the charity donation myself.